Full-scope primary care in a timely manner.
On most Tuesdays, a physician is available for patients who do not have a family physician. Call the clinic to book in advance, space is limited to 20 patients.
For all family practice patients of Ursus Care Clinic, we have introduced patient contracts. This ensures that we provide you with quality care. See below for more information.
Ursus Care Clinic is committed to providing high-quality medical treatment in a clean and friendly environment.
Our mission is to improve the health of our community through patient-centred urgent services while providing Family Practice medical services where a qualified team can treat your family. Patients are the focus of everything we do. We understand our patients’ needs and treat them with care and respect.
Due to recent changes in how our Doctors are funded, we no longer operate a daily walk-in clinic. We will post when a walk-in doctor is available in "Updates and Important Information". We will continue to provide services to our regular family practice patients.
For those seeking daily walk-in services, visit the Urgent and Primary Care Centre in Maple Ridge.
We try to provide same or next day in person and telehealth appointments for current patients of the clinic.
Starting February 12th, 2024, we will require
current family practice patients
of Ursus Care Clinic to sign contracts. These contracts are an agreement between Ursus Care Clinic and patients to ensure quality of patient care, and to facilitate the role of our patients in their healthcare.
Patients can find a sample contract HERE
We have provided a document that will address some of your questions. This document also includes information about how Ursus Care Clinic handles patient care.
Patients can find additional information HERE
Patient Availability: Currently not accepting new patients
Patient Availability: Currently not accepting new patients
We are located on the 2nd floor of the Superstore in Meadowtown Centre. We offer both in-person and telehealth (phone) appointments.
Call the clinic or visit the clinic to book an appointment.